Calling All Queer, Trans, and Allied Singers of the Shenandoah Valley

Join our new LGBTQ+ Choir!

Help Create a Musical Community

Are you looking to sing with other LGBTQ+ folks, or to support your LGBTQ+ friends and family as an ally?

Our one-day big-sing model means that we learn the music together, and perform it just for us. No prep. No stress. All kind people are welcome.

You can come to one event, a few, or the whole calendar. Whatever works for your schedule is perfect!

As we keep singing together, we will structure the choir based on your feedback. We need your voice!


1. Saturday, February 1

2. Saturday, March 15

3. Saturday, April 26

4. Saturday, May 17

Each event will be held from 12:00-3:00 PM

in the School of Music Building, Room 142,

at James Madison University:

880 S Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Do you have friends or family that might want to join us?

Send them a poster!

Interested in singing but want a preview first?

We gather for three hours and record our songs at the end of every Big Sing event!